What is Sensual Wellness and Why Does it Matter?

UPDATED: February 7, 2024

What is Sensual Wellness?

Sensual wellness is the state of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being that comes from the acceptance and gratification of your senses: smell, sound, touch, hearing, and sight.

Sexual or sensual wellness is also a key to being in touch with your five senses and connecting the space between your mind and your body

What comes to mind when you think about sensual wellness? Because while sensuality has long been associated with sexuality, that is not necessarily always the case. True sensual wellness stems from the state of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being that comes from the gratification of all your senses.

Sensuality is being in touch with your five senses, and perhaps that 6th, and collapsing the space between your mind and your body. It means being able to turn off your work, your insecurities, and really get in touch with your deepest sense of self. While sensuality is most often connected to sex, we actually have five senses to cater to when we think about our wellness which is why it’s important to approach well-ness more holistically. It’s not just focusing on exercise, eating right, getting good sleep, and having a healthy sex life but combining all of this for a stronger and better you.

A good metaphor for sensual wellness can be found in the joy of eating: when you are eating your favorite food, you aren’t just experiencing the taste, but also the texture, the bite of a sharp cheddar, the crunch of fresh veggies, or the creaminess of an avocado toast. You can smell the aromatics like garlic or onions that add to the pleasure of eating your favorite meal, it’s not all about taste, the same way your wellness should not be all about one aspect of your senses. Aromatherapy has been known to help sleep, and touch therapy promotes well-being. How good is a massage after a tense week?

Yes, sensual wellness is linked closely with sexuality, but it leads to a much broader approach to ensuring our wellness.

Sexual Wellness

A view of sex that includes emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical perspectives.

Sex is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human existence, encompassing not only the physical act but also emotional, spiritual, and mental dimensions. Viewing sex from a holistic perspective acknowledges that it involves much more than mere physical pleasure. Emotional connections and intimacy play a vital role in fostering meaningful relationships and creating a deeper bond between partners. Spirituality can infuse the act with a sense of sacredness and connection to something greater than oneself. Mental factors such as consent, communication, and understanding one’s desires and boundaries are essential for healthy sexual experiences. By appreciating all these perspectives, individuals can develop a more comprehensive understanding of their own sexuality and cultivate more fulfilling and meaningful sexual encounters.

Pleasure is a key component to why people have sex and how they identify with sexual wellness

Pleasure is a fundamental driving force behind human sexual behavior. People engage in sexual activities not only for procreation but also to experience pleasure, intimacy, and connection. Embracing pleasure as a crucial aspect of sexual wellness means recognizing that it is essential for one’s overall well-being and happiness. Understanding what brings pleasure and joy to oneself and communicating those desires with partners can lead to more satisfying and fulfilling sexual experiences. Identifying with sexual wellness involves recognizing and prioritizing pleasure as a valid and important aspect of human sexuality, thus fostering a healthier and more positive relationship with one’s own body and desires.

Identities shape our sexual wellness experiences through our cultures, childhood experiences/trauma

Sexual wellness is profoundly influenced by our identities, which are shaped by various factors, including cultural norms, upbringing, and past experiences. Cultural beliefs and societal expectations often dictate how individuals perceive and express their sexuality. Childhood experiences and trauma can leave lasting impacts on one’s sexual development and attitudes towards intimacy and relationships. Understanding the influence of these factors can help individuals navigate and address any challenges they may face in their sexual wellness journey. By acknowledging the role of identities in shaping our sexuality, we can cultivate a more compassionate and accepting environment for diverse sexual expressions and experiences.

Physical health is a key component to experiencing sexual wellness

Physical health plays a crucial role in experiencing sexual wellness. A healthy body can contribute to enhanced sexual functioning, pleasure, and satisfaction. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can improve overall energy levels and self-confidence, positively impacting one’s sexual life. Moreover, maintaining regular medical check-ups ensures the early detection and treatment of any potential sexual health issues. Beyond that, addressing physical concerns, such as chronic pain or disabilities, with empathy and openness can foster a supportive and understanding approach to sexual intimacy. Prioritizing physical health as a component of sexual wellness enables individuals to lead a more vibrant and fulfilling sexual life.

Enhancing sexual agency (choosing one’s own sexual disposition or narrative)

Sexual agency refers to an individual’s ability to make informed and autonomous decisions about their own sexual experiences and desires. Enhancing sexual agency involves empowering individuals to understand and embrace their own unique sexual identity and preferences without judgment or external pressure. This means acknowledging that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to express one’s sexuality, and everyone has the right to choose their sexual narrative freely. By promoting sexual agency, society can create a more inclusive and accepting environment that respects individual choices and experiences, leading to healthier and more satisfying sexual relationships.

Exploring one’s sexual script (everything from sexual orientation to romantic sexual needs)

Each person carries a unique sexual script, encompassing everything from their sexual orientation to their romantic and sexual needs. Exploring one’s sexual script involves deep introspection and self-discovery to understand and embrace these aspects of oneself fully. Society’s expectations and norms often influence these scripts, but by examining and challenging them, individuals can align their sexuality more authentically with their true selves. This process allows for more genuine and fulfilling connections with others, as it fosters honesty and vulnerability in intimate relationships.

Physical sexual comfort

Physical sexual comfort refers to the state in which an individual feels safe, relaxed, and at ease during sexual activities. This comfort encompasses both emotional and physical aspects, such as feeling secure with one’s partner, being able to communicate openly about desires and boundaries, and ensuring that the physical experience is pleasurable and free from discomfort or pain. Prioritizing physical sexual comfort is vital for promoting positive sexual experiences, as it fosters trust, communication, and a deeper level of intimacy between partners. Respecting and prioritizing physical comfort in sexual encounters can lead to more enjoyable and satisfying experiences for all parties involved.

Gender identify and gender expression

Gender identity and gender expression significantly influence how individuals experience and express their sexuality. Gender identity refers to an individual’s internal sense of their gender, which may or may not align with their assigned sex at birth. Gender expression, on the other hand, involves how individuals outwardly express their gender identity through behavior, clothing, and appearance. Embracing and understanding diverse gender identities and expressions is essential for creating an inclusive and affirming space for people of all genders to explore and express their sexuality authentically. Acknowledging that gender is not binary and that it exists along a spectrum allows for a more comprehensive understanding of human sexuality and promotes a more accepting society.

Addressing the influence of religion and sexual identity

Religion can have a significant impact on how individuals perceive and experience their sexual identity. Different religious beliefs may hold varying views on sexual orientation, gender roles, and the moral aspects of sexual behavior. For some, religion can be a source of comfort and guidance in navigating their sexuality, while for others, it may present challenges and conflicts. Addressing the influence of religion on sexual identity involves fostering open dialogue and understanding between religious communities and sexual minorities. This can help create a more supportive and accepting environment, where individuals can reconcile their faith with their sexual orientation or gender identity, promoting overall mental and emotional well-being. It is essential to respect diverse beliefs while also advocating for the acceptance and affirmation of all sexual identities.